glory choi

/ enclosure /

glory choi
/ enclosure /

I don’t know and i’m kind of not sure.
definitely lazy if that’s your only answer.
do no less and this is what you try instead,
delve in
dig up
dust out
what was buried in naked white light in your crowded little shed.

gather feelings with depth and logic
theorize some more on this season’s topic
collect adorned biases wrapped up in worn out sheen
spread them out
sort them through
shelve them in
cuddle up in your one armchair for a believable change of scene.

I don’t know and i’m still not sure.
your new arrangement gives familiarity but no cure.
you're sinking in the pillow as it swallows in all the air
if there was any at all.
staring into empty space
into reflection of likely warm sunshine
as you learn to breath again in your same saggy armchair.

I still don’t know but I can breath again.


/ ink on paper /